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Всички новини

BULGARIA - Пътеводител на България на английски език



BULGARIA - Пътеводител на България на английски език



Top 15 places you must visit


THE MAGURA CAVE - Impressive 7000-year-old cave paintings
HOT SPOT VITOSHA BOULEVARD - The heart of the capital Sofia


You can see unique iconography in the church The Birth of Christ in Arbanassi


Fairy-play of colours

The performance ‘Sound and Light’ in Veliko Turnovo symbolically portrays Bulgarian history


A history of stone and wood

Many films have been shot in the museum villages of Kovachevitsa and Lehsten in the Western Rhodopi Mountains


Incredible view

Unique location and view: the fortress Assenova krepost


School of Arts in a labyrinth

In the cave Magurata artists from the Bronze Age have painted wild animals and symbols of fertility


Orpheus and Eurydice

According to legend the legendary singer from Antiquity Orpheus went down to the Underworld from the Trigrad Gorge to retrive his loved one Eurydice


Traditional cuisine

In the restaurant Vodenitsata in Dragalevtsi you can enjoy a folklore programme, excellent Bulgarian cuisine and a beautiful view of Sofia


Picturesque museum towns

Time has stopped in Bozhentsi. Wells and houses more than 150 years old


Feast in a farm

In the large farm ‘Chiflik Chukurovo’ tradition and future meet during the enjoyment of excellent Bulgarian cuisine


Collosal stone bridges

Walking through thousand year old stone fomrations in the Rhodopi Mountains: The wondrous bridges


Impressive wine wooden barrels

The cellar in the Kordopulov House in Melnik


Rest in the palace park

Summer freshness in the magnificent garden of Balchik


Barefooted dance on smouldering embers

An old, mystical ritual, performed on Sveti Sveti Konstantin and Elena Day



From the sea straight into the cooking pot

Mussels, cooked after various receipes are offered in the restaurant Dulboka in Kaliakra Cape


Monastery walk

Sveta Troitsa monastery is located on a rocky height near the river Yantra and can be reached only on foot

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